With the American health care system in a state of flux, doctors are now often required to work twice as many hours, and perform double the procedures in order to maintain their current income. As a result, there has been a major increase in medical errors in hospitals across the country.
The cost of pursuing a medical malpractice claim against a doctor or hospital can be significant. Accordingly, we never charge you for our work and expense in evaluating and prosecuting your claim.
Common medical mapractice claims include, misdiagnosis, foreign objects left after surgery, mistakes during surgery, surgery on the wrong limb or body part and failure to diagnose a medical condition in time to treat it.
There is no way to put a value on your health and well-being. There is no amount of money that will adequately compensate you for losing the ability to do the things you once loved to do. We can help to get you financially secure in an effort to minimize your loss and to maximize the rest of your life.